Abbreviations in references to Serbian and international standards:
idt = The Serbian standard for which this abbreviation is used in reference to the international standard is actually the translation of the letter from the beginning to the end, without any modifications in the editing or technical contents;
eqv =The Serbian standard for which this abbreviation is used in reference to an international or foreign standard completely corresponds to the standard for which this reference is provided;
neq = The Serbian standard for which this abbreviation is used in reference to an international or foreign standard somewhat (more or less) differs both in editing and technical contents from this international or foreign standard.
1. MoReq:2001 Model Requirements for the management of Electronic Records MoReq specification The specification covers a wide spectrum of requirements and is intended for public and private organizations that wish to introduce or properly revise the ESUD system (electronic document management system). If implemented, the requirements included in the MoReq specification should result in an electronic document management system which would have the desired degree of reliability and completeness.
2. Recommendation No. R (2000) 13 of the Committee of Ministers to Member States on a European Policy on Access to Archives The Recommendation stresses the need for harmonizing legal norms that treat the accessibility of archival holdings and in that sense offers principles and procedures which should be observed in the process. The Recommendation, among other things, stresses that the main principles on the accessibility of archival holdings should be included in laws, that the accessibility rules should be applied equally throughout the country, that a favored position of any category of users should be prevented, that the free use of archival holdings and means of information is the foundation of the accessibility of archival holdings, etc.
3. Recommendation Rec (2002) 2 of the Committee of Ministers and explanatory memorandum Access to official documents The Recommendation refers only to official documents that are kept by public authorities, and the principles which should be observed under the Recommendation are as follows: to guarantee the right of access to all, to precisely quote any limitations in legal regulations, not making it an obligation for the person making the request to quote the reasons for wanting to access official documents, free of charge accessibility, etc.
4. Recommendation Rec(2003)15 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on archiving of electronic documents in the legal sector The aim of the Recommendation is to draw the attention of member-states (specifically organizations in the legal sector and archiving services) to the risks and problems or archival storage of electronic documents on the one hand and on the other to point at the principles which should be observed to find a suitable solution for the archival storage of electronic documents in the legal sector.